WAPDA New Package for Families of Died During Service Employees 2019

WAPDA Package for Families of Died During Service Employees

WAPDA Package for Families of Died During Service Employees

WAPDA Package for Families of Died During Service Employees

(MEPCO) میپکو نے وہ کام کرڈالا جو باقی کوئی کمپنی نہ کرسکی

MEPCO Multan Electric Supply Company MEPCO SAP ERP Policy and Notification

MEPCO Multan Electric Supply Company MEPCO SAP ERP Policy and Notification

Bad News for All XENs and SDOs of All DISCOS of WAPDA

Transfer Posting of All SDOs and XENs of All Electricity Supply Companies All Discos of WAPDA
Transfer Posting of All SDOs and XENs of All Electricity Supply Companies All Discos of WAPDA

 Bad News for All XENs and SDOs of All DISCOS of WAPDA