DISCOS operating in pursuance of the distribution license granted by NEPRA is allowed to charge only such tariff as approved by NEPRA. Such tariff provides for the terms and conditions of tariff applicable to different categories of consumers also determined by NEPRA. The definitions of the following terms are accordingly as per the determinations of NEPRA as amended from time to time. A copy of the current applicable Tariff Terms and Conditions as approved by NEPRA is annexed with this manual, as Annexure-III.
1. Agricultural Supply: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
2. Billing Demand: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
3. Billing Period: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
4. Energy Charges: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
5. Fixed Charges: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
6. General Supply: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
7. Maximum Demand: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
8. Industrial Supply: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
9. Maximum Demand Indicator (MDI): As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
10. Month: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
11. Power Factor: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
12. Temporary Supply: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;


13. Applicable Documents: means the rules and regulations issued in pursuance of the Act by the Authority, from time to time, relating to the generation, distribution and transmission license, the grid code, the distribution codes, Consumer Service Manual and any documents, instruments, approvals or authorizations issued or granted by the Authority in exercise of its power under the Act.

14. Applicant: means any person who applies to a distribution licensee for provision of electric power service or modification thereof.

15. Application: A request to the authorized office of the DISCO for an electric service connection on the prescribed form. (Form annexed as Annexure IV);

16. Bulk Power Consumer (BPC): means a consumer who purchases or receives electric power, at one premises, in an amount of one megawatt or more or in such other amount and voltage level and with such other characteristics as the Authority may determine and the Authority may determine different amounts and voltage levels and with such other characteristics for different areas;

17. Common Distribution System (CDS): means the distribution system as defined in the Eligibility Criteria Regulations, 2003;

18. Conductor: means a wire, cable or other form having suitable capacity for carrying electric current and used for movement or delivery of electricity;

19. Connecting Point: means the point where the dedicated distribution system of the applicant is connected with the existing common distribution system;

20. Consumer: means a person or his successor-in –interest who purchases or receives electric power for consumption and not for delivery or re-sale to others, including a person who owns or occupies a premises where electric power is supplied;

21. Consumer's Mailing Address: means the address specified in the consumer's Application and Power Supply Contract form for the purpose;

22. Consumer Sub Station: means a sub station furnished, installed, owned and maintained by the consumer;

23. Consumption: means the amount of electricity used and measured over a given period of time;

24. Declared Voltage: means the voltage required to be supplied at the consumers’ terminals with permissible variations according to Performance Standards (Distribution) Rules, 2005;

25. Dedicated Distribution System (DDS): means that part of the distribution system, required to supply power for the sole consumption of an applicant and not for supplying power to any other consumer and shall comprise of the distribution system from the connecting point up to the interconnection point of the applicant including the metering and service wire and such other connection arrangement;

26. Distribution Sub Station: means a sub station furnished, installed, owned and maintained by the DISCO/Licensee;

27. Distribution Lines: mean overhead lines and/or underground facilities consisting of conduit and cable which are operated at nominal distribution voltages;

28. Distribution Facilities: means electrical facilities operating at distribution voltage and used for movement or delivery of electric power;

29. DISCO: means a utility/entity engaged in the business of distribution of electric power as licensed by NEPRA;

30. Drop-Out Fuse: means a current interrupting device, the mechanism of which is so designed that on melting of a fuse link the fuse carrier drops out to exhibit an open gap in the primary circuit;

31. Earthing or Grounding: means electrical connection to general mass of earth in such a manner as to ensure, at all times, an immediate discharge of energy;

32. Consumer Eligibility Criteria: means criterion for a non discriminatory provision of distribution service and sale of electric power to all the consumers within the service territory of a distribution company prescribed by NEPRA vide SRO.743 (I)/2003 dated July 26, 2003, as amended from time to time.

33. Energy Meter: means a device that registers the quantity of electrical energy over a period of time;

34. Horsepower (HP): means a practical unit of power representing the ability to do work by some kinds of electrical equipment. One HP is equivalent to 746 watts of electrical power;

35. Interconnection Point: means the point where the metering installation and protection apparatus of the consumer is connected to the dedicated distribution system;

36. Interruption: means loss of electric power to one or more consumers;

37. Load Factor: means the ratio of average load over a designated period to the peak load in that period;

38. Nominal Voltage: means a suitable approximate value of voltage used to designate or identify a system;

39. Overloading: means a condition under which part of the system is subject to a electric power/current in excess of the normal design rating of that part of the system and not due directly to system fault current;

40. NTDC: means National Transmission and Dispatch Company as licensed by NEPRA.

41. Power Factor: means the ratio of kWh to kVAh recorded during the month or the ratio of kWh to the square root of sum of square of kWh and kVARh.

42. Premises: means the building/site /location where Electric Power is required/ consumed;

43. Primary Service Connection: means any connection which is provided at 11 kV or above;

44. Public Lighting Supply: means a supply given to a Government Department/ Agency or a Housing Society charged with public lighting, for the purpose of illuminating public lamps within the area of its jurisdiction;

45. Reliability: means the degree of performance of the elements of the electric power system that results in electricity being delivered to consumers within specified standards;

46. Rural Area: means the area falling within the jurisdiction of all rural local bodies including without limitation Union Councils, Tehsil Councils and Zila Councils;

47. Sanctioned Load: means the load in kilowatts sanctioned by the DISCO;

48. Service Drop: means the cable of appropriate current carrying capacity to connect the CDS/DDS to the Premises at the inter connection point. The maximum length of this cable shall be such that the voltage at the inter connection point does not fall below the specified limits;

49. Secondary Service Connection: means a connection which is provided at 400 volts or below;

50. Service Wires or Connection: means the group of cables/conductors, whether overhead or underground, necessary to connect the service entrance conductors of the consumer to the DISCO’s supply line, regardless of the location of the DISCO,s meters or transformers;

51. Sponsored Dedicated Distribution System: means where a Common Distribution System (CDS) doesn’t exist and is required to be developed for provision of service on behalf of expected applicants by any person/agency other than the applicant(s) such person/agency shall be called the Developer/Sponsor (D/S) and such a system for the purpose of ECR, 2003 will be referred as the “Sponsored Dedicated Distribution System (SDDS)”.

52. Tariff Schedules: means the rates, charges, terms and conditions for generation of electric power, transmission, distribution services and sales of electric power to consumers by DISCO as approved by NEPRA and notified by the Government of Pakistan;

53. Underground Distribution System: means an electric distribution system with all wires installed underground except those wires within surface-mounted equipment enclosures;

54. Urban Area: means the area falling within the jurisdiction of all urban local bodies or development authorities including without limitation Town Committees, Municipal Committees, Municipal Corporations, Metropolitan Corporations and Cantonment Boards;

55. Voltage: means difference of potential or “electric pressure” in an electrical circuit measured in volts;

56. Voltage Drop: means the reduction in the voltage between two reference points;

57. Voltage Fluctuation: means a series of voltage changes or a cyclic variation of voltage;

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