Notification for Time Scale Up-gradation of Meter Readers Already in BPS-09

The Dy: Director (T&MP) MEPCO H/Qs Multan has clarified regarding TSU (Time Scale Up-Gradation) of Meter Readers already working in BPS-09 that in the light of PEPCO Office Memorandum No. GM(HR)/HRD/A-332/3458-84 dated 03.10.2016 adopted by MEPCO vide office order No. 757-T/51082-51111/CE/MEPCO/EA-III dated 22.11.2016 and on grant of up-gradation of pay scale to MS-II from BPS-09 to BPS-11 vide PEPCO office memorandum No. GM (HR)/HRD/A-548/1396-1422 dated 28.08.2018 adopted by MEPCO vide office order No. 542-T/45144-56/CE/MEPCO/EA-II/PF-COD dated 25.10.2018, the Meter Readers already in the scale of up-gradation i.e. BPS-09 are eligible for two steps time scale up-gradation in BPS-11 w.e.f 28.08.2018 as one time dispensation. The copy of original notification by the Dy: Director Multan Electricity Supply Company is below this picture.
Notification for Time Scale Up-gradation of Meter Readers Already in BPS-09
Notification for Time Scale Up-gradation of Meter Readers Already in BPS-09

Arrangement of Open Kutchary at Divisions Level

The Manager Director PEPCO has issued a notification as on dated 28.12.2018 to all Chief Executive Officers of all DISCOs that in order to create a healthier rapport and build an image of DISCOs amoung the general public, the resolution of grievances of the consumers at their door-step is very imperative. It has become utmost obligatory to give a message to the people that we are present near to their location to serve them as a facilitator while battling the menace of electricity theft against unscrupulous elements of the society.
It is, therefore, directed that all Manager Operation Circles will hold an "Open Kutchary" at division level along with concerned officers on every Saturday in the rotation in line with following SOP.

  1. Wide publicity of venue, date/day, time be ensured through local newspapers and announcement through loudspeakers of mosques.
  2. Local administration should be taken on board.
  3. XEN, SDO and RO along with the relevant staff of the area will be present fully prepared.
  4. Applications will be entered in a register for keeping a record.
  5. The following types of complaints will be resolved by Manager Operation Circles:
    • Billing issues like correction of wrong/ over billing and allowing installments etc. on the spot.
    • Replacement of defective meters and other electricity related complaints.
    • Complaints against corruption.
    • Any other complaint related to DISCOs.
  6. Powers should be exercised according to Book of Financial Powers approved by respective DISCOs BOD, on the spot by Manager Operation Circles and the cases beyond his powers be referred to DISCO HQ for their solution.
  7. This mechanism will work as a one window operation. If approval of DISCO HQ is required or further checking of the billing dispute is necessary, then the consumer will be given proper receipt duly signed by concerned Deputy Manager and time line for redressal of complaint should not more  than one week. The consumer will not attend an office and the resolution of his problem/ reply of hs complaint will be delivered at complainant residence. 
  8. a proper record will be maintained at Circle level and send to DISCOs HQ on weekly basis for compilation at Company level. The progress of "Open Kutchary" will be discussed in the performance review meeting.

Arrangement of Open Kutchary at Divisions Level
Notification for Arrangement of Open Kutchary at Divisions Level

Enhancement of Marriage Grant Revised PEPCO Notification

PEPCO has revised the rules of marriage grant to WAPDA/DISCOs employees as Rs. 1,00,000 for officials performing their duties and Rs.2,00,000 for retired employees or widows of ex-employees.

Revised PEPCO Notification for Enhancement of Marriage Grant

PEPCO Policy for Free Supply of Employees Died During Service

PEPCO Policy for Free Supply of Employees Died During Service is that 100% incapacitated employees till date of their superannuation. After superannuation electricity units will be reduced to 50% similar to the employees retired in ordinary manner.
PEPCO Policy for Free Supply of Employees Died During Service

Electricity Theft Rules of WAPDA, DISCOs

These are the revised and updated Electricity Theft Rules of WAPDA/DISCOs.
Electricity Theft Rules of WAPDA, DISCOs

Change of Cadre Office Order of DISCO

HESCO has issued an office order as on dated 27.12.2018 for change of cadre of Mr. Akhtar Hussain S/O Sain Bux working under Sub Division HESCO Shahpur Chakar for change of Cadre form ALM to store Cler. This office order is a clear example for change of cadre for employees of DISCOs.

Qualification Pay/ Allowance and Advance Increment WAPDA Circular

This circular is a clear cut explanation in compliance of a query was raised whether Qualification Pay for Professional Qualification i.e ACMA (Inter) etc is admissible simultaneously to an employee./ Accounts Assistant who has already been granted one advance increment to an employee/ Accounts Assistant who has already been granted one advance increment on acquiring higher qualification i.e M.Com, which is over and above the qualification than prescribed for the post.

PEPCO Rules Regarding Off Day Wages

In compliance of below noted mentioned letter, the employees of WAPDA and DISCOs will be allowed special rate for off day wages during festival holidays i.e. double rate of off day wages as compared to gazetted holidays. 
PEPCO Rules Regarding Off Day Wages


Electricity, while being a very useful and convenient form of energy, has a number of hazards, and consumers would be wise to treat electrical installation with respect.
The following tips shall be kept in mind:

a) Hazardous conditions on utility systems shall be monitored and immediately reported to the DISCO:
i) Damaged or faulty insulators.
ii) Burns on conductors, insulator pins, or metal-work.
iii) Damaged cross- arms on ploes/structure /towers.
iv) Broken strands or wires on overhead conductors, or fallen wires.
v) Uneven sagging of lines.
vi) Leaning or damage to poles/structures /towers.
vii) Branches of trees interfering with overhead conductors.
viii) Loose stay- wires.
ix) Construction of new roads, buildings, or other structures near the line.
x) Damaged or faulty transformer structures, including oil leakages
xi) Leakage of currents in poles and other structures /towers.
xii) Unsafe working practices by employees

b) RCDs (Residual Current Devices), also called Earth-Leakage Circuit Breakers (ELCBs), Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) are extremely sensitive circuit breakers that can prevent fires and shocks in electrical installations. Obtain specialist advice on their installation at appropriate locations in your electrical systems.

c) Electricity is more dangerous in the presence of water. During rains, near swimming pools, tanks or other water bodies, in laboratories, on construction sites, for temporary functions/weddings, etc., special care must be taken to use proper wiring and protective equipment, especially RCDs. Such installations need to be inspected on a regular basis

d) Use proper circuit-breakers in preference to re-wireable fuse cut-outs.

e) Metallic and chemical string must not be used for kite flying as it poses serious danger to life and damages electricity installations.

f) Safety clearances from electricity conductors and equipment (e.g., hazardous extension of balconies at the upper stories of houses in mohallas which comes
within close proximity of electric lines) must be maintained to avoid electrocution.
g) Animals must not be tied to poles/structures/towers of electricity lines in order to avoid accidents/electrocutions.


11.1 General
In case of consumers of Category I to IV(as defined in Chapter 2) where line voltage (11000 volts or higher up to 132kV) is stepped down on the consumer's property to the service voltage required by the consumer, the facilities necessary to accommodate the transformer or transformers and the related equipment will be either:
a) A Distribution Sub Station, if furnished, installed, owned, and maintained by the DISCO, or
b) A Consumer Sub Station, if furnished, installed, owned, and maintained by the consumer.

11.2 Distribution Sub Station
The DISCO will install a Sub Station for such General Purpose consumers.
The DISCO shall ensure that all the installations are in accordance with the DISCOs approved design specifications and standards.

11.3 Consumer Sub Station
The responsibility for the provision of space, installation and maintenance of step down transformer and all allied equipment in a consumer sub station shall be that of the consumer. The layout of the sub station, the equipment installed must meet the specifications, design and standards as approved by the DISCO. The equipment may be supplied by the DISCO on payment. However, for such facilities, the responsibility of the DISCO shall only be up to the metering point (Interconnection point).
For such installations, the consumer shall provide land/space for the lines which will extend to and from the sub station and obtain consents, way-leaves and authorizations pertaining to the right of way.

Consumers of Category V (for supply at 66 kV and above) shall at their own sole risk and expense, furnish, install and maintain in good and safe condition all electrical wires, lines, machinery and apparatus of any kind or character which may be required for:
a) Receiving electrical energy from the DISCO/NTDC system; and
b) Utilizing such energy, by installing step down transformer and all other allied accessories and equipment including protection devices at the consumer premises.
c) The consumer will be responsible for the payment of construction charges and all costs associated with line extensions payable as per provision laid down in the Consumer Eligibility Criteria.
d) The design of the station shall conform to DISCO/NTDC design practices, guidelines and applicable safety codes.

11.5 Metering Equipment and Installation Requirements
a) Meter installation shall comply with Pakistan Standard Institute (PSI) or International Electric Technical Commission (IEC) standard or Standards developed/adopted by the DISCO /NTDC.
b) The DISCO/NTDC shall determine the location and method of installation for all metering equipment as provided in the distribution code, Grid Code and related manuals.
c) Whenever any electrical wiring is modified, new metering equipment complying with these service requirements shall be used, except when in the opinion of the DISCO/NTDC the existing metering equipment is satisfactory and adequate to register all energy to be supplied.
d) Line side (unmetered) conductors and load side (metered) conductors are prohibited from occupying the same enclosure.

As defined in Distribution Code, Grid Code and the PSI Wiring Regulations, proper neutral and protective earthing/grounding system shall be installed by the consumer and checked by authorized representative of DISCO and NTDC.

Suitable fire extinguishers shall be provided and maintained by the owner agency to meet with any hazardous situation.


A premises is liable to be disconnected if the consumer is a defaulter in making payments of the energy consumption charges bill(s), or if he is using the electric connection for a purpose other than for which it was sanctioned, or if he has extended his load beyond the sanctioned load even after receipt of a notice in this respect from the DISCO.

Disconnection Procedure
(a) The consumer shall be bound to pay his energy bill within due date specified in the bill or with the late payment surcharge if paid after due date, before the issuance of the next month bill.
(b) In case of non payment of the previous months electricity bill, the DISCO shall serve a clear 7 days notice to the defaulting consumer to either clear the out- standing dues with the current bill or face disconnection and penal action.
(c) Upon non receipt of payment even after the expiry of the notice period, the supply of the defaulting premises shall be disconnected. In such cases the disconnected supply shall not be reconnected or restored by the DISCO until full payment along with late payment surcharge has been made by the consumer.
The power supply of the consumers who are allowed by the DISCO to make the payment in installments shall not be disconnected. However, if a consumer further defaults in making payment of installments, the power supply of such a consumer shall be disconnected without any further notice and shall only be restored after receipt of all arrears.
(d) The power supply of a defaulting consumer shall not be disconnected who has lodged a complaint/petition against any wrong billing or any dispute relating to the payment of energy bill with DISCO, the Electric Inspectors office/ Provincial Office of Inspection or NEPRA (for all such, proper restraining orders shall be issued). DISCO shall also not disconnect the supply if a restraining order to this effect has been issued from any court of law.
(e) If a consumer extends his existing load beyond the sanctioned load he shall be issued a notice along with evidence thereof to apply for extension of load within one month of the receipt of notice. The DISCO shall disconnect the power supply if the consumer fails to avail this opportunity.

8.2 Disconnection on consumer’s request.
Temporary disconnection of supply is allowed to a consumer on his/her request, for a period of 30 days subject to the following terms and conditions:-
a) That the consumer has paid the final bill up to the day immediately preceding the intended date of request for temporary disconnection.
b) That exemption in payment of minimum/fixed charges will be admissible for the actual period of disconnection subject to a maximum of 30 days consecutive days during a period of twenty four consecutive months;
c) That no reconnection fees shall be charged if the consumer gets the connection restored immediately after the expiry of the period of disconnection allowed to him/her;
d) A seasonal consumer or a consumer whose connection is lying disconnected shall not be eligible to the allowance given in the temporary disconnection;
e) After the expiry of the period allowed for disconnection as per clause (b) above, the connection shall be deemed to have been restored for payment of minimum/fixed charges even if the consumer does not request for reconnection and does not use electricity. In case the consumer defaults in making the future bills, his/her connection may be disconnected and equipment installed at his premises to supply energy be removed after service of notice as per disconnection procedure. Restoration of supply to such a premises shall also be regulated as per the Reconnection Policy as given in section 8.3
A consumer who intends to get his/her premises disconnected shall apply to the load sanctioning Authority of the connection concerned, who will arrange the final bill from the Revenue Officer concerned. After payment of final bill, the respective load sanctioning Authority will approve the disconnection. Disconnection for consumers supply shall be effected through removal of, such facilities to avoid misuse of electricity during the period of disconnection.

NOTE: In all cases of reconnection/MCOs or any case where meter is changed for any other reason, Part III and Part IV of the application form will be filled out and a copy sent to the consumer for his information duly signed by the officer in charge.


(a) The consumer shall, in no case use the connection for the purpose other than for which it was originally sanctioned. In case of violation, the consumer is liable for disconnection and/or penal action.
(b) DISCO shall serve seven (7) days clear notice to the consumer who is found mis-using his approved/sanctioned tariff. However, DISCO shall immediately change the tariff and shall determine the difference of charges of the previous period of mis-use to be recovered from consumer. However, in the absence of any documentary proof the maximum period of such charges shall not be more than TWO billing cycles.


(a) The consumer shall apply, at least 30 days in advance, for the change of his existing tariff to the competent load sanctioning Authority.
(b) The consumer shall submit the application for change of tariff along with the required documents as mentioned in the application form.
(c) DISCO shall accord approval for change of tariff within 30 days of receipt of application after site verification and confirmation of other information provided by the consumer in his application.