A premises is liable to be disconnected if the consumer is a defaulter in making payments of the energy consumption charges bill(s), or if he is using the electric connection for a purpose other than for which it was sanctioned, or if he has extended his load beyond the sanctioned load even after receipt of a notice in this respect from the DISCO.

Disconnection Procedure
(a) The consumer shall be bound to pay his energy bill within due date specified in the bill or with the late payment surcharge if paid after due date, before the issuance of the next month bill.
(b) In case of non payment of the previous months electricity bill, the DISCO shall serve a clear 7 days notice to the defaulting consumer to either clear the out- standing dues with the current bill or face disconnection and penal action.
(c) Upon non receipt of payment even after the expiry of the notice period, the supply of the defaulting premises shall be disconnected. In such cases the disconnected supply shall not be reconnected or restored by the DISCO until full payment along with late payment surcharge has been made by the consumer.
The power supply of the consumers who are allowed by the DISCO to make the payment in installments shall not be disconnected. However, if a consumer further defaults in making payment of installments, the power supply of such a consumer shall be disconnected without any further notice and shall only be restored after receipt of all arrears.
(d) The power supply of a defaulting consumer shall not be disconnected who has lodged a complaint/petition against any wrong billing or any dispute relating to the payment of energy bill with DISCO, the Electric Inspectors office/ Provincial Office of Inspection or NEPRA (for all such, proper restraining orders shall be issued). DISCO shall also not disconnect the supply if a restraining order to this effect has been issued from any court of law.
(e) If a consumer extends his existing load beyond the sanctioned load he shall be issued a notice along with evidence thereof to apply for extension of load within one month of the receipt of notice. The DISCO shall disconnect the power supply if the consumer fails to avail this opportunity.

8.2 Disconnection on consumer’s request.
Temporary disconnection of supply is allowed to a consumer on his/her request, for a period of 30 days subject to the following terms and conditions:-
a) That the consumer has paid the final bill up to the day immediately preceding the intended date of request for temporary disconnection.
b) That exemption in payment of minimum/fixed charges will be admissible for the actual period of disconnection subject to a maximum of 30 days consecutive days during a period of twenty four consecutive months;
c) That no reconnection fees shall be charged if the consumer gets the connection restored immediately after the expiry of the period of disconnection allowed to him/her;
d) A seasonal consumer or a consumer whose connection is lying disconnected shall not be eligible to the allowance given in the temporary disconnection;
e) After the expiry of the period allowed for disconnection as per clause (b) above, the connection shall be deemed to have been restored for payment of minimum/fixed charges even if the consumer does not request for reconnection and does not use electricity. In case the consumer defaults in making the future bills, his/her connection may be disconnected and equipment installed at his premises to supply energy be removed after service of notice as per disconnection procedure. Restoration of supply to such a premises shall also be regulated as per the Reconnection Policy as given in section 8.3
A consumer who intends to get his/her premises disconnected shall apply to the load sanctioning Authority of the connection concerned, who will arrange the final bill from the Revenue Officer concerned. After payment of final bill, the respective load sanctioning Authority will approve the disconnection. Disconnection for consumers supply shall be effected through removal of, such facilities to avoid misuse of electricity during the period of disconnection.

NOTE: In all cases of reconnection/MCOs or any case where meter is changed for any other reason, Part III and Part IV of the application form will be filled out and a copy sent to the consumer for his information duly signed by the officer in charge.


(a) The consumer shall, in no case use the connection for the purpose other than for which it was originally sanctioned. In case of violation, the consumer is liable for disconnection and/or penal action.
(b) DISCO shall serve seven (7) days clear notice to the consumer who is found mis-using his approved/sanctioned tariff. However, DISCO shall immediately change the tariff and shall determine the difference of charges of the previous period of mis-use to be recovered from consumer. However, in the absence of any documentary proof the maximum period of such charges shall not be more than TWO billing cycles.


(a) The consumer shall apply, at least 30 days in advance, for the change of his existing tariff to the competent load sanctioning Authority.
(b) The consumer shall submit the application for change of tariff along with the required documents as mentioned in the application form.
(c) DISCO shall accord approval for change of tariff within 30 days of receipt of application after site verification and confirmation of other information provided by the consumer in his application.


5.1 New Service Connection Charges
(a) All service connection charges after sanction of a new connection, a demand notice for security deposit as per the rate approved by NEPRA and other connection charges as per provision made in Consumer Eligibility Criteria Regulations annexed with this manual as Annexure-VII shall be issued to the applicant for depositing the same in the designated bank branch.
(b) A period of one month for payment of Demand Notice is given (in case of all categories of connections).

(a) Security deposit is non transferable except as follows:
i) Relocation of Premises
It the consumer moves to a new location within the Exclusive Service Territory of DISCO and requests for a new connection at that location.
ii) Change of Name
If the consumer sells the premises where the connection is installed, it shall be obligatory upon the new owner to apply to DISCO for a change of name. Such an application shall be accompanied by written consent of the previous owner regarding transfer of Security Deposit in the name of new owner.
iii) Through Succession
Upon death of the consumer, the Security Deposit shall be transferred according to the Succession Certificate granted by the court of competent jurisdiction.
Provided that the Security Deposit shall be updated and transferred if no arrears are outstanding
(b) In case of change of tariff extension/reduction of load/shifting of site/change of name, the security amount shall be updated according to prevailing rates.
(c) For the purpose of calculating the security deposit, the fraction of a kilowatt (for loads above one kilowatt) which is equal to or more than half kilowatt, shall be taken as one kilowatt, and the fraction which is less than half a kilowatt shall be ignored.
(d) The security amount deposited by the consumer at the time of getting connection shall be refunded at the time of permanent disconnection after getting approval for the refund from the load sanctioning authority. (Provided there is no other amount outstanding against the consumer). The security deposit amount can also be adjusted in the final bill, if applied by the consumer.


This chapter covers installation of energy meters at the premises of consumers of all categories receiving electric power from the FESCO.
The FESCO shall provide the appropriate metering equipment at the cost of the consumer for all types of consumer categories. However, in case of non availability of meter with the FESCO, the consumer may procure the equipment according to the laid down specifications of the DISCO for the metering equipment as per the Grid Code/Distribution Code.

(a) It shall be the responsibility of the consumer to provide a safe and accessible location to the FESCO for the installation of the metering equipment at his premises.
(b) The meters shall be installed at a reasonable height from the ground level or at a level from where the meter reading is possible without using climbing devices.
(c) For multi-occupancy buildings, the metering equipment of all the consumers residing in that building shall be installed at one location at the boundary of the building.
(d) The DISCO shall have the right at any time to change the place and position of the metering equipment to conform with the provision of the Schedule of Tariffs in force from time to time and Consumer Eligibility Criteria, 2003.
(e) Should the consumer at any time requires the metering equipment to be shifted to another place or position within the same premises, he shall give not less than 7 days notice to the DISCO, giving reasons also. The DISCO after its satisfaction may shift the metering equipment upon receipt of such a request upon deposit of such shifting charges by the consumer as demanded through a demand notice by the DISCO.

(a) The DISCO shall make its best endeavor to install the meters in accordance with the latest industry standards and workmanship.
(b) All meters shall be installed on a non flammable board in a true vertical position in a manner that will prevent water from entering the meters or meter cabinets.
(c) When metering equipment is installed in a multiple-occupancy building (two or more occupants), the meter connection devices shall be labeled, tagged, or stenciled showing the complete address and location of the area served such as the apartment, office, or store in the building and account no of the consumer for which the metering equipment is being installed.
(d) Conduit or wire connections to a meter connection device other than that for a single-phase 230 Volt self-contained meter shall be made below the meter terminal block.
(e) The metering equipment shall be installed with permanent attachment to a rigid, vibration-free wall or structure. When such facilities are installed indoors, the consumer shall provide and install a mounting board in accordance with the FESCO specifications.
(f) In the case of multiple-position or grouped meter connections, conductors from the source of supply shall be continuous to the last meter and connected to the meter connection terminals in accordance with the FESCO requirements.

4.4 Meter Replacement
(a) In case of replacement of a meter, the consumer’s account shall not be liable to any adjustment on the basis of any discrepancy detected in the impugned metering equipment where the discrepancy is not attributable to any act or omission of the consumer.
(b) Should the FESCO at any time, doubt the accuracy of any metering equipment, the DISCO may after informing the consumer, install another duly calibrated and tested metering equipment (check metering equipment) in series with the impugned metering equipment to determine the difference in consumption or maximum demand recorded by the check metering equipment and that recorded by the impugned metering equipment during a fixed period. If on such comparative test being made the impugned metering equipment should prove to be incorrect, the impugned metering equipment shall be removed from the premises with the written consent of the consumer, and the DISCO in the absence of any interference or alteration in the mechanism of the impugned metering equipment being detected by the DISCO , shall install a “correct meter” without any further delay.
(c) Where it is not possible for the DISCO to install check metering equipment of appropriate capacity (due to non availability of such equipment or otherwise) in series with the impugned metering equipment, to check the accuracy of the impugned metering equipment as described above, the DISCO shall, after informing(in writing) the consumer, test the accuracy of the impugned metering equipment at site by means of Rotary Sub-Standard or digital power analyzer. If on such test being made, the impugned metering equipment should prove to be in-correct, the impugned metering equipment shall be removed and immediately replaced with a correct meter. The impugned metering equipment shall be removed upon settlement/payment of assessed amount. In case if a correct meter is not available then the multiplying factor shall be charged accordingly till the replacement with correct meter.
(d) Where a consumer is not satisfied with the accuracy of the meter, he may inform the DISCO of his desire for the said metering apparatus be checked at site in his presence. Upon receiving such a request, the DISCO will issue a demand notice as meter challenge fees for the checking of the said meter and will check the accuracy of the said meter within SEVEN working days from the date of receipt of payment of such challenge fee by installing a duly calibrated check meter in series with the impugned meter or in the absence of a check meter, through a Rotary Sub Standard or digital power analyser accompanied by an engineer of the DISCO’s metering and testing laboratory. If upon checking the meter is found to be recording beyond the permissible limits, the meter shall be changed
immediately and due credit be given for excessive units charged by DISCO w.e.f date of request filed by the consumer with FESCO.
(e) The charging of consumers on the basis of defective code, where the meter has become defective and is not recording the actual consumption will not be more than TWO billing cycles. The basis of charging will be 100% of the consumption recorded in the same month of previous year or average of the last 11 months which ever is higher. Only Authorized employee of the DISCO will have the power to declare a meter defective. However the consumer has a right to challenge the defective status of the energy meter and the DISCO will get the meter checked at site with a check meter or a Rotary Sub Standard or digital power analyzer accompanied, by an engineer of the metering and testing laboratory free of cost.
Where any consumer gives a notice in writing to the DISCO and informs of having requested the Electric Inspector/(POI) to check the accuracy of the DISCO’s metering equipment installed at his premises or the status of the meter regarding it being defective or otherwise, the DISCO shall not remove or take off the impugned metering equipment from the consumer’s premises until the Electric Inspector has conducted a test of the impugned metering equipment at site, in the presence of DISCO’s authorized representative, by means of a duly calibrated check meter installed in series with the impugned meter or through a Rotary Sub Standard or digital power analyzer and has given the result of his test.


3.1 Relocation of Service Connection
(a) Due to Public Works
If, for public improvement such as street widening, grading, excavating sidewalk spaces, or for other reasons beyond the FESCO control, the FESCO has to move distribution facilities from the existing position or new facility is to be provided for improvement of the system, the shifting/relocation/addition of the facility (overhead or underground) shall be carried out at the cost of the sponsoring agency and not the affected consumer(s) or FESCO.

(b) On Consumer’s Request
If a consumer requires the relocation of an overhead or an underground service connection for convenience, because of construction, or otherwise obstructing access to the service connection, the FESCO shall, at the consumer's expense, relocate its service connection.

3.2 Repair or Replacement of General Supply Service Wire.
Routine repair/replacement of service wires feeding the consumer premises up to the metering point shall be the responsibility of the FESCO.

(a) A temporary electric power supply connection shall be provided by the FESCO subject to the availability of load and the prevailing rules, when an applicant demands electric supply for a specific time period not exceeding three months, which may be further extendable on three-months basis up to 12 months by the load sanctioning authority subject to clearance of outstanding dues. In case the connection is to be continued more than 12 months then it will be allowed under regular tariff upon fulfillment of requisite information as explained for new connection in Chapter 2.
(b) An applicant may apply for temporary connection for the following purposes:
i) Illumination and lighting for weddings, festival, functions, exhibitions or national and religious ceremonies,etc.
ii) Construction of buildings
iii) Testing of industrial equipments
iv) Any other emergent requirement of temporary nature

3.3.1 Procedure For Application
(a) The applicant shall apply for temporary connection to the competent load sanctioning Authority as per corresponding regular category of connection.
(b) The applicant shall attach NOC/Authorization from the local Authority (where applicable) along with the documents as mentioned in the application form.
(c) The sanctioning authority shall approve in accordance with the Eligibility Criteria Regulations, 2003.
(d) The applicant shall be served with Demand Notice for the cost relating to the Dedicated Distribution System and security* which will be deposited with the designated bank. For capital contribution, the terms of Eligibility Criteria regarding payments shall be applicable.
*The amount against the security shall include:
The amount as per applicable tariff and load equal to the cost of expected consumption of electricity during the approved temporary connection period.
(e) The FESCO, after the receipt of necessary payment and certificate, shall provide the electric power connection immediately as per priority maintained for temporary connections.

(a) The FESCO shall provide temporary electric connection to the applicant on his demand for a specified period and disconnect the same after the expiry of this period unless extended further on the request of the consumer and confirmation by the FESCO that the purpose for which temporary connection is required, still exists.
(b) The consumer shall apply for extension in the sanctioned period at least one week before the expiry of the sanctioned period. The consumer shall pay in advance as security an amount equal to the expected consumption of the period applied for extension.
(c) The FESCO shall discontinue service without notice whenever it is no longer temporary in character, or it is used for unauthorized purposes.
(d) After the expiry of the contracted period or after the period when connection is no more required and is disconnected, the cost of equipment installed for temporary connection shall be reimbursed to the consumer at depreciated rates, if it is dismantled and taken over by the FESCO or if it is not dismantled and is taken over by the FESCO.


DISCOS operating in pursuance of the distribution license granted by NEPRA is allowed to charge only such tariff as approved by NEPRA. Such tariff provides for the terms and conditions of tariff applicable to different categories of consumers also determined by NEPRA. The definitions of the following terms are accordingly as per the determinations of NEPRA as amended from time to time. A copy of the current applicable Tariff Terms and Conditions as approved by NEPRA is annexed with this manual, as Annexure-III.
1. Agricultural Supply: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
2. Billing Demand: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
3. Billing Period: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
4. Energy Charges: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
5. Fixed Charges: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
6. General Supply: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
7. Maximum Demand: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
8. Industrial Supply: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
9. Maximum Demand Indicator (MDI): As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
10. Month: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
11. Power Factor: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;
12. Temporary Supply: As defined in the Tariff Terms and Conditions;


13. Applicable Documents: means the rules and regulations issued in pursuance of the Act by the Authority, from time to time, relating to the generation, distribution and transmission license, the grid code, the distribution codes, Consumer Service Manual and any documents, instruments, approvals or authorizations issued or granted by the Authority in exercise of its power under the Act.

14. Applicant: means any person who applies to a distribution licensee for provision of electric power service or modification thereof.

15. Application: A request to the authorized office of the DISCO for an electric service connection on the prescribed form. (Form annexed as Annexure IV);

16. Bulk Power Consumer (BPC): means a consumer who purchases or receives electric power, at one premises, in an amount of one megawatt or more or in such other amount and voltage level and with such other characteristics as the Authority may determine and the Authority may determine different amounts and voltage levels and with such other characteristics for different areas;

17. Common Distribution System (CDS): means the distribution system as defined in the Eligibility Criteria Regulations, 2003;

18. Conductor: means a wire, cable or other form having suitable capacity for carrying electric current and used for movement or delivery of electricity;

19. Connecting Point: means the point where the dedicated distribution system of the applicant is connected with the existing common distribution system;

20. Consumer: means a person or his successor-in –interest who purchases or receives electric power for consumption and not for delivery or re-sale to others, including a person who owns or occupies a premises where electric power is supplied;

21. Consumer's Mailing Address: means the address specified in the consumer's Application and Power Supply Contract form for the purpose;

22. Consumer Sub Station: means a sub station furnished, installed, owned and maintained by the consumer;

23. Consumption: means the amount of electricity used and measured over a given period of time;

24. Declared Voltage: means the voltage required to be supplied at the consumers’ terminals with permissible variations according to Performance Standards (Distribution) Rules, 2005;

25. Dedicated Distribution System (DDS): means that part of the distribution system, required to supply power for the sole consumption of an applicant and not for supplying power to any other consumer and shall comprise of the distribution system from the connecting point up to the interconnection point of the applicant including the metering and service wire and such other connection arrangement;

26. Distribution Sub Station: means a sub station furnished, installed, owned and maintained by the DISCO/Licensee;

27. Distribution Lines: mean overhead lines and/or underground facilities consisting of conduit and cable which are operated at nominal distribution voltages;

28. Distribution Facilities: means electrical facilities operating at distribution voltage and used for movement or delivery of electric power;

29. DISCO: means a utility/entity engaged in the business of distribution of electric power as licensed by NEPRA;

30. Drop-Out Fuse: means a current interrupting device, the mechanism of which is so designed that on melting of a fuse link the fuse carrier drops out to exhibit an open gap in the primary circuit;

31. Earthing or Grounding: means electrical connection to general mass of earth in such a manner as to ensure, at all times, an immediate discharge of energy;

32. Consumer Eligibility Criteria: means criterion for a non discriminatory provision of distribution service and sale of electric power to all the consumers within the service territory of a distribution company prescribed by NEPRA vide SRO.743 (I)/2003 dated July 26, 2003, as amended from time to time.

33. Energy Meter: means a device that registers the quantity of electrical energy over a period of time;

34. Horsepower (HP): means a practical unit of power representing the ability to do work by some kinds of electrical equipment. One HP is equivalent to 746 watts of electrical power;

35. Interconnection Point: means the point where the metering installation and protection apparatus of the consumer is connected to the dedicated distribution system;

36. Interruption: means loss of electric power to one or more consumers;

37. Load Factor: means the ratio of average load over a designated period to the peak load in that period;

38. Nominal Voltage: means a suitable approximate value of voltage used to designate or identify a system;

39. Overloading: means a condition under which part of the system is subject to a electric power/current in excess of the normal design rating of that part of the system and not due directly to system fault current;

40. NTDC: means National Transmission and Dispatch Company as licensed by NEPRA.

41. Power Factor: means the ratio of kWh to kVAh recorded during the month or the ratio of kWh to the square root of sum of square of kWh and kVARh.

42. Premises: means the building/site /location where Electric Power is required/ consumed;

43. Primary Service Connection: means any connection which is provided at 11 kV or above;

44. Public Lighting Supply: means a supply given to a Government Department/ Agency or a Housing Society charged with public lighting, for the purpose of illuminating public lamps within the area of its jurisdiction;

45. Reliability: means the degree of performance of the elements of the electric power system that results in electricity being delivered to consumers within specified standards;

46. Rural Area: means the area falling within the jurisdiction of all rural local bodies including without limitation Union Councils, Tehsil Councils and Zila Councils;

47. Sanctioned Load: means the load in kilowatts sanctioned by the DISCO;

48. Service Drop: means the cable of appropriate current carrying capacity to connect the CDS/DDS to the Premises at the inter connection point. The maximum length of this cable shall be such that the voltage at the inter connection point does not fall below the specified limits;

49. Secondary Service Connection: means a connection which is provided at 400 volts or below;

50. Service Wires or Connection: means the group of cables/conductors, whether overhead or underground, necessary to connect the service entrance conductors of the consumer to the DISCO’s supply line, regardless of the location of the DISCO,s meters or transformers;

51. Sponsored Dedicated Distribution System: means where a Common Distribution System (CDS) doesn’t exist and is required to be developed for provision of service on behalf of expected applicants by any person/agency other than the applicant(s) such person/agency shall be called the Developer/Sponsor (D/S) and such a system for the purpose of ECR, 2003 will be referred as the “Sponsored Dedicated Distribution System (SDDS)”.

52. Tariff Schedules: means the rates, charges, terms and conditions for generation of electric power, transmission, distribution services and sales of electric power to consumers by DISCO as approved by NEPRA and notified by the Government of Pakistan;

53. Underground Distribution System: means an electric distribution system with all wires installed underground except those wires within surface-mounted equipment enclosures;

54. Urban Area: means the area falling within the jurisdiction of all urban local bodies or development authorities including without limitation Town Committees, Municipal Committees, Municipal Corporations, Metropolitan Corporations and Cantonment Boards;

55. Voltage: means difference of potential or “electric pressure” in an electrical circuit measured in volts;

56. Voltage Drop: means the reduction in the voltage between two reference points;

57. Voltage Fluctuation: means a series of voltage changes or a cyclic variation of voltage;


A& PSC - Application and Power Supply Contract
AMO or SDO - Assistant Manager Operations or Sub Divisional Officer
(Sub Division)
CE - Chief Engineer
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
CP Form - Commercial Procedure Form
DCC - DISCO Computer Center
DCM - Deputy Commercial Manager
DCO - Disconnection Order
DG (COM) - Director General, Commercial
DISCO - Distribution Company
DM or XEN - Divisional Manager or Executive Engineer (Division)
DN - Demand Notice
ERO - Equipment Removal Order
GM (CS) - General Manager, Customer Services
kWh - Kilo Watt Hour
LP - Late Payment
LS I - Line Superintendent, Grade – I
LS II - Line Superintendent, Grade – II
M (COM) - Manager Commercial
MCO - Meter Change Order
MDI - Maximum Demand Indicator
MO or SE - Manager Operations or Superintending Engineer (Circle)
MS I - Meter Supervisor, Grade – I
MS II - Meter Supervisor, Grade - II
MSB - Meter Security Box
NEPRA - National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
PEPCO - Pakistan Electric Power Company
RCO - Reconnection Order
RO - Revenue Officer/AM(CS)
SCO - Service Connection Order
SR - Store Requisition
TD - Technical Director


1. Short Title and Commencement
(1) These rules may be called the Pakistan Wapda Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1978.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
2. Extent of Application
These rules shall apply to all directly recruited Wapda employees, including those engaged on contract/re-employed, except the officials / officers serving the Authority on deputation.
3. Definition
1. In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context:
(a) "Authority" means, Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority;
(b) "Employee" means, an employee to whom these rules apply;
(c) ''Members of a Wapda employee's family" includes:
(i) his wife/wives, real/step children, residing with him and wholly dependent upon him.
(ii) any other relation of the Wapda employee or his wife, when residing and wholly dependent upon him.
2. Reference to a wife in clause (c) of sub-Rule (1) shall be construed as reference to the husband where the Wapda employee is a woman.
4. Gifts
(1) Save as otherwise provided in the Federal Government Instructions, no Wapda employee shall accept or permit any member of his/her family to accept from any person any gift, the receipt of which will place him/her under any form of official obligation to the donor.
(2) If any question arises whether receipt of a gift places a Wapda employee under any form of official obligation to the donor, the decision of the Authority thereon shall be final.
*1 5. Acceptance of Foreign Awards
No Wapda employee shall except with the approval of the Chairman, Wapda, accept a foreign award, title or decoration.
*1 Detail instruction issued vide endorsement No. DG (S&GA)/D/(Rules)/07456/23/25703-883 dated 28-06-2000 (Annex-XXIV)
Explanation:- For the purposes of this Rule, the expression "approval of the Chairman" means prior approval in ordinary cases and ex-post-facto approval in special cases where sufficient time is not available for obtaining prior approval.
6. Public Demonstration in Honour of Wapda Employee
No Wapda employee shall encourage meetings to be held in his/her honour or presentation of addresses of which the main purpose is to praise him/her.
7. Gift to Medical Officers
Subject to the departmental rules in this behalf, a medical officer may accept any gift of moderate value offered in good faith by any person or body of persons in recognition of his/her professional services.
8. Subscriptions
No Wapda employee shall except with the previous sanction of the Authority, ask for, or accept, or in any way, participate in the raising of any subscription or other pecuniary assistance in pursuance of any object whatsoever.
9. Lending and Borrowing
(1) No Wapda employee shall lend money to, or borrow money from, or place himself/herself under any pecuniary obligation to, any person within the local limits of his/her authority or any person with whom he/she has any official dealings:
Provided that a Wapda employee may:-
(i) Deal in the ordinary course of business with a joint-stock Co., bank or a firm of standing or the House Building Finance Corporation;
(ii) Accept a purely temporary loan of small amount, free of interest, from a personal friend or the operation of a credit account with a bonafide tradesman.
(2) When a Wapda employee is appointed or transferred to a post of such a nature that person from whom he/she has borrowed money or to whom he/she otherwise placed himself/herself under a pecuniary obligation will be subject to his/her official authority, or will reside, possess immovable property, or carry on business within the local limits of such authority, the Wapda employee shall forthwith declare the circumstances, if he is an officer in NPS-16 and above to the Authority, through the usual channel, and where he is in NPS-15 and below to the head of his office.
*1 10. Buying and Selling of Valuable Property, Novable and Immovable.
10(1) A Wapda employee who intends to transact any purchase, sale or disposal by other means of moveable or immovable property exceeding in value of Rs. 500,000/- (Five Hundred thousand rupees only) in case of officer in Grade-16 and above and Rs. 100,000/- (One hundred thousand rupees only), in case of employees in Grade-I5 and below with any person shall apply for *2permission to the Head of the Division or the Authority as the case may be. Any such application shall state fully the circumstances, the price offered or demanded and in the case of disposal otherwise than by sale, the method of disposal. Thereafter such Wapda employee shall act in accordance with such orders as may be passed by the Authority;
*1Substituted vide O.M. No. DG (S&GA) D(R)/07456/23/23047-24347 dt.20.03.06 (Annex-XXVI)
*2Competent authorities for according permission declared vide office order dt 23-11-1996 (Annex-XVI)
PROVIDED that all transactions with a person, who is an official subordinate of the Wapda employee should be reported to the next higher authority.
EXPLANATION:- In this Rule the term "Property" includes agricultural or urban land, bonds, shares or securities but does not include a plot purchased for the first time for building a house from a Co-operative Housing Society or a Government Housing Scheme.
10(2) A Wapda employee who intends to acquire more than one plot from one or more Cooperative Housing Societies or Government Housing Schemes or intends to dispose off any of plot acquired by him as such shall obtain prior permission of the competent authority, as the case may be, in the manner specified in sub Rule (1).
10-A. Construction of Building, etc,
No Wapda employee shall construct a building, whether intended to be used for residential or commercial purposes, except with the previous sanction of the Authority obtained upon an application made in this behalf disclosing the source from which the cost of such construction shall be met.
*1 11. Declaration of property
Every Wapda employee shall submit to the Authority through the usual channel upto 15th July of each calendar year, an annual declaration of income, Assets and Expenses for each financial year (1st July to 30th June) on a new prescribed Proforma (Annex-A). The same duly filled in and signed shall be forwarded by the employee to their respective Head Offices, detailed as under:-
(1) For officers BPS 20 and above DG (HR&A)
(2) For officers BPS 16 to 19 GM (C&M) Water
*2GMF (Coord.) including offices of GMF P/W
CE (Admn) P
Chief Auditor
Dir (Est.)
(3) For official BPS 1 to 15 Respective GM/CE/Directors
“The Proforma shall be opened in the relevant offices, as above, each year and entered in the database of each employee’s Assets, Income, Expenses keeping it updated and complete in all respects”.
12. Disclosure of Assets, immovable, Movable and Liquid
A Wapda employee shall, as and when he/she is so required by the Authority, by a General, or Special order, furnish information as to his/her assets, disclosing liquid assets and all other properties, immovable or movable, including, shares, certificates, insurance policies, cash and jewellery.
*1Substituted Vide O.M.No. S/DD (Rules)/07456/23/23047-24347 dt. 20.3.06 (Annex-XXVI)
*2Post upgraded vide O.O No. SO (IMPL.)/12-29/Ins/Vol-I/7715-643 dt 24.5.12 (Annexure- )
13. Speculation and Investment
(1) No Wapda employee shall speculate in investments. For the purpose of this sub-rule, the habitual purchase and sale of securities of notoriously fluctuating value shall be deemed to be speculation in investments.
(2) (a) No Wapda employee shall make, or permit any member of his/her family to make, any investment likely to embarrass or influence him/her in the discharge of his/her official duties. .
*1(b) All Wapda employees shall furnish a declaration to the effect that :-
(i) None of his/her family members will engage in any contractual business with the Authority.
(ii) If any of his/her near relatives, not covered under (i) above, engage in any such business with Wapda, he/she shall inform the authority about it.
*2Note: Dependents of WAPDA employees will not seek employment in firms/companies doing business with WAPDA
(3) No Wapda employee shall make any investment information of the value of which is available to him/her as a Wapda employee and is not equally available to the general public.
(4) If any question arises whether a security or an investment is of the nature referred to in any of the foregoing sub-rules, the decision of the Authority thereon shall be final.
*3 13-A No Wapda employee shall take up a course of study during evening at educational institutions without the prior permission of his appointing authority. No such permission shall be granted unless the competent authority is satisfied that the prosecution of studies will not interfere with the Wapda employee's official duties. Such permission may be withdrawn if the competent authority is convinced that the Wapda employee is taking part in politics or prosecution of such studies is interfering with the satisfactory performance of his duties.
*4 For both the Ph. D / Master Degree to execute a bond of Rs.50,000/- for two years where expenses are reimbursed by WAPDA.
*4 Surety Bond at Own Expense:
For Ph. D: To execute a bond to serve for 3 years or to pay Rs.200,000/-
For Master Degree: To execute a bond to serve for 2 years or to pay Rs.100,000/-
*5 Clarification
Rules 13-A of the "Pakistan Wapda Employees (Conduct) Rules, 1978" is quite clear. Permission of the appointing authority is not required in case an employee intends to appear in an examination as a private candidate and does not seek admission in the evening classes.
*1Added Vide O.M No. DG (S&GA)/DD(R)/07456/23/36168-37467 dated 25-09-97 (Annexure-XVII)
*2O.O No. GM (A)/AD(EI-A)/37507-38806 dt 9/14th Oct. 1999 (Annexure-XX)
*3Added Vide OM. No. S/DD (Rules)/07456/22/Vol-II/66588-67367, dated 31.8.83 (Annexure-V)
*4D/DD(Rules)/07456/46/44053-700 dt. 29.11.2007 (Annexure-XXVIII)
*5Clarification issued vide No. DG/DD(R)/07456/23/318 dt. 20.5.1985 (Annexure-X)
14. Private Trade, Employment or Work
(1) No Wapda employee shall except with the previous sanction of the Authority, engage in any trade, or undertake any employment or work, other than his/her official duties :
Provided that he/she may without such sanction undertake honorary work of a religious social or charitable nature or occasional work of a literary or artistic character. subject to the condition that his/her official duties do not thereby suffer and that the occupation or undertaking does not conflict or is not inconsistent with his/her position or obligation as a Wapda employee; but he/she shall not undertake or shall discontinue such work if so directed by the Authority. A Wapda employee who has any doubt about the propriety of undertaking any particular work should refer the matter for the orders of the Authority:
Provided further that a Wapda employee (below Grade-16) may, without such sanction, undertake a small enterprise which absorbs family labour and where he/she does so, shall file details of enterprise, alongwith the declaration of assets.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule (1), no Wapda employee shall associate himself/herself with any private trust, foundation *1Housing Society or similar other institution which is not sponsored by the Authority/Government.
(3) This rule does not apply to sports activities and membership of recreation clubs.
14-A. Subletting of Residential Accommodation Allotted by the Authority
No Wapda employee shall, except with the prior permission of the Authority, sublet residential accommodation or any portion thereof, let to him/her by the Authority.
14-B. Wapda Employee not to Live Beyond his Means etc.
No Wapda employee shall live beyond his/her means or indulge in ostentation on occasions of marriage or other ceremonies.
15. Insolvency and Habitual Indebtedness
A Wapda employee shall avoid habitual indebtedness. If a Wapda employee is adjudged or declared insolvent or if the whole of that portion of his/her salary which is liable to attachment, is frequently attached for debt, has been continuously so attached for a period of two years, or is attached for a sum, which, in ordinary circumstances, he/she cannot repay within a period of two years, he/she shall be presumed to have contravened this rule unless he/she proves that the insolvency or indebtedness is the result of circumstances which, with the exercise of ordinary diligence he/she could not have foreseen, or over which he/she had no control and has not proceeded from extravagant or dissipated habits.
(2) A Wapda employee who applies to be or is adjudged or declared insolvent, shall forthwith report his/her insolvency to respective Head of the Division/Authority, as the case may be.
16. Unauthorized Communication of Official Documents or Information
No Wapda employee shall, except in accordance with any special or general order of the Authority, communicate directly or indirectly any official information or the contents of any official
*1Added vide O.M. No. DG (S&GA)/DD (R)/07456/22/III/51134-52409 dt. 21-09-92 (Annex-XV)
documents, to a Wapda employee not authorized to receive it, or to a non-official person, or to the press.
17. Approach to Members of the Assemblies, etc.
No Wapda employee shall, directly or indirectly, approach any Member of the National Assembly or Provincial Assembly or any other non-official person, to intervene on his/ her behalf, in any matter.
*1 17 -A. Approach to President/Senior Officers of the Government
No Wapda Officer/employee should address representations direct to the President of Pakistan/Senior Officers of the Government.
18. Management etc., of Newspapers or Periodicals
No Wapda employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the Authority, own wholly, or in part, or conduct, or participate in the editing, or management of any newspaper or other periodical or publications. .
19. Radio Broadcast or T.V. Programme and Communications to the Press
No Wapda employee shall, except with the previous sanction of the Authority or any other authority empowered by it in this behalf, or in the bonafide discharge of his/her duties, participate in a radio broadcast or T.V. Programme, or contribute any article or write any letter, either anonymously or in his/her own name, or in the name of any other person, to any newspaper or periodical:
Provided that such sanction shall generally be granted, if such broadcast or T.V. Programme, or such contribution, or letter is not, or may not be considered likely to jeopardize the integrity of the Wapda employee, the security of Pakistan or friendly relations with foreign States, or to offend public order, decency or morality, or to amount to contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence:
Provided further that no such sanction shall be required if such broadcast or T.V. Programme or such contribution or letter is of a purely literary artistic or scientific character.
19-A Where a Wapda employee submits the draft of a literary, artistic or scientific article or book for obtaining previous sanction for its publication, he shall be informed within three months of his doing so whether he has or has not such sanction; and, if no communication is issued to him within that period, he shall be entitled to presume that the sanction asked for has been granted.
*2 20. Publication of Information and Public speeches capable of embarrassing the Authority/Government
No Wapda employee shall, in any document, published or in any public utterance, or T.V. Programme or in any Radio broadcast delivered by him, make any statement of fact or opinion which is capable of embarrassing the Authority/Government:
*1Added vide OM. No. S/DD (Rules) 07456/22/Vol.III/111605-2404, dated 24-12-1984 (Annex-IX)
*2Substituted Vide OM. No. S/DD (Rules)/07456/22/312-1191 dated 3-1-1984 (Annex-VII)
Provided that technical staff (of all grades) may publish research papers on technical subjects if such papers do not express views on political issues, or on the Authority's/ Government's policy and do not include any information of a classified nature.
21. Evidence before Committee
(1) No Wapda employee shall give evidence before a public committee, except with the previous sanction of the Authority.
(2) No Wapda employee, giving such evidence, shall criticize the policy or decision of the Authority.
(3) This rule shall not apply to evidence given before statutory committees which have power to compel attendance and the giving of answers, nor to evidence given in judicial inquiries.
22. Taking Part in Politics and Elections
(1) No Wapda employee shall take part in, subscribe in aid of, or assist in any way, any political movement in Pakistan, or relating to the affairs of Pakistan.
(2) No Wapda employee shall permit any person dependent on him for maintenance or under his care or control to take part in, or in any way assist, any movement or indirectly to be, subversive of Government as by law established in Pakistan.
(3) No Wapda employee shall canvass or otherwise interfere or use his/her influence in connection with or take part in any election to a legislative body, whether in Pakistan, or elsewhere:
Provided that a Wapda employee who is qualified to vote at such election may exercise his/her right to vote; but if he/she does so, he/she shall give no indication of the manner in which he/she proposes to vote, or has voted.
(4) No Wapda employee shall permit any member of his/her family to act in a manner in which he/she himself/herself is not permitted by sub-rule (3) to act.
(5) A Wapda employee who issues an address to electors, or in any other manner, publicly announces himself/herself, or allows himself/herself to be publicly announced as a candidate or prospective candidate for election to a legislative body, shall be deemed for the purpose of sub-rule (3) to have taken part in an election to such body.
(6) The provisions of sub-rule (3) and (5) shall so far, as may be, apply to elections to local authorities or bodies, save in respect of Wapda employees required or permitted by, or under any law or order of the Authority, for the time being in force, to be candidates at such elections.
(7) If any question arises whether any movement or activity falls within the scope of this rule, the decision of the Authority thereon shall be final.
23. Propagation of Sectarian Creeds, etc.
No Wapda employee shall propagate such sectarian creeds or take part in such sectarian controversies or indulge in such sectarian partiality and favourtism, as are likely to affect his/her integrity in the discharge of his/her duties, or to embarrass the administration, or create feelings of discontent or displeasure amongst the Wapda employees.
23-A. Wapda Employees not to express views against ideology of Pakistan
No Wapda employee shall express views detrimental to the ideology or integrity of Pakistan.
*1 23-B. Wapda Employees not to take part in or assist, any public demonstration against Government/Wapda decisions etc.
No Wapda employee shall take part in, or in any manner assist, any public demonstration directed against a Government / Wapda decision or policy or permit any member of his family dependent upon him to do so.
24. Nepotism, Favouritism and Victimization, etc.
No Wapda employee shall indulge in provincialism, parochialism, nepotism, favouritism or wilful abuse of office.
25. Vindication by Wapda Employees of their Public Acts or Character
(1) A Wapda employee may not, without the previous sanction of the Authority, have recourse to any Court or to the Press, for the vindication of his/her public acts or character, from defamatory attacks. When the Authority grants sanction, to a Wapda employee to have recourse to a Court, the Authority will ordinarily bear the cost of the proceedings, but may leave the Wapda employee to institute them, at his own expense. In the later case, if he/she obtains a decision in his/her favour, the Authority may reimburse, him/her to the extent of the whole or any part of the cost.
(2) Nothing in this rule limits or otherwise affects the right of a Wapda employee to vindicate his/her private acts or character.
26. Membership of Service Associations
No Wapda employee shall be a member, representative or officer of any association, representing or purporting to represent Wapda employees or any class of Wapda employees, unless such association satisfies the following conditions, namely:
(a) Membership of the association and its office-bearers shall be confined to, a distinct class of Wapda employees and shall be open to all Wapda employees of that class.
*1 Substituted Vide O. M. No. S/DD (Rules)/07456/22/312-1191, dated 3.1.1984 (Annex-VII)
(b) The association shall not be in any way connected with, or affiliated to any association, which does not, or any federation of associations, which do not satisfy condition (a) above.
(c) The association shall not be in any way connected with any political party or organization, or engage in any political activity.
(d) The association shall not :
(i) issue or maintain any periodical publication except in accordance with any general or special order of the Authority; and
(ii) except with the previous sanction of the Authority, publish any representation on behalf of its members, whether in the press or otherwise.
(e) The association shall not, in respect of any election to a legislative body, or to a local authority or body, whether in Pakistan or elsewhere:-
(i) pay or contribute towards, any expenses incurred in connection with his/her candidature by a candidate for such election;
(ii) by any means support the candidature of any person for such election; or
(iii) undertake or assist in the registration of electors, or the selection of a candidate for such election.
(f) The association shall not:-
(i) maintain, or contribute towards the maintenance of, any member of a legislative body, or of any member of a local authority or body, whether in Pakistan or elsewhere ; or
(ii) Pay, or contribute towards the expenses of any trade union which has constituted a fund under section 16 of the Trade Unions Act, 1926 (XVI of 1926).
27. Use of Political or other Influence
No Wapda employee shall bring or attempt to bring political or other outside influence, directly or indirectly, to bear on the Authority or any Wapda employee in support of any claim arising in connection with his/her employment as such.
*1 28. Approaching Foreign Missions, Aid-Giving Agencies and submission of Applications for Employment etc. to other Organizations within the country and abroad
(a) No Wapda employee shall directly or indirectly:-
(i) approach a Foreign Mission in Pakistan or any Foreign Aid-Giving Agency etc. in Pakistan or abroad, to secure for himself/ herself invitation to visit a foreign country or to elicit offers of training facilities abroad; and
(ii) submit application for employment or training facilities etc. to other Organi-zations within the country or abroad except through the authority competent to accord such permission.
(b) Communication in any manner, whatsoever, written or verbal on service matters including postings and transfers etc. and forwarding advance copies of requests to the Agencies/Organizations referred to above shall not be made by any employee except through the appropriate channel within the Authority.
*1Substituted Vide O.M No. S/DD (Rules)/07456/22/83031-810 dated 19-10-1983 (Annexure-VI)
29. Delegation of Powers.
The Authority may, by general or special order, delegate to any officer or authority subordinate to it, all or any of its powers under these rules, and may, by such order, prescribe the channel through which reports shall be made to the Authority and the officers, receipt by whom of such reports shall be regarded as receipts of the reports by the Authority within the meaning of these rules.
30. Rules not to be in derogation of any Law, etc.
Nothing in these rules shall derogate from the provisions of any law, or of any order of any competent authority, for the time being in force, relating to the conduct of Wapda employees.

TA DA Revised Rules and Notification

TA DA Revised Rules and Notification

TA DA Revised Rules and Notification

Notification for Free Supply and Salary of Contract Staff

Notification for Free Supply and Salary of Contract Staff
In continuation of letter No. 1257 dated 18.07.2017, it is advised that benefits including free electricity supply facility related to the incumbency of contract employess whose cases for extension in contract are under process may not be stopped subject to the condition that thei case has properly been endorsed by the concerned Revenue Office.
Notification for Free Supply and Salary of Contract Staff

Master Qualification Allowance for All Staff

Master Qualification Allowance for All Staff
FESCO authority has issued office orders for FESCO Employees (upto BPS-16) possessing higher qualification (MBA/Master Degree) have submitted representatin requesting for Rs. 10,000/- as special allowance as it was being paid to only FESCO officers.
Master Qualification Allowance for All Staff

Rules for Placement of Officials under Suspension

Under Rule 5 (i) of the Pakistan Wapda Employees (E&D) Rules 1978, it is the 'competent authority' (as defined under sub-rule (3) of rule 2 of the said Rules) who can require an accused to proceed on leave or suspend him where the accused is being proceeded against for subversion or corruption or misconduct, provided that any continuation of such leave or suspension shall require prior approval of the next higher authority after every 3 months.
It has been noticed that either approval of the next higher authority for continuation of suspension period beyond 3 months is not obtained in time or the competent authority which had initially ordered suspension, approves continuation of suspension beyond 3 months which is in violation of the above rule. All competent authorities should, therefore, ensure that enquiry cases in which an accused employee has been placed under suspension or has been allowed to proceed on leave, are finalized within 3 months. In case the enquiry proceedings are not finalized within the stipulated period, then approval of the next higher authority for continuation of suspension or leave beyond 3 months should be obtained well in advance, so that the enquiry proceedings are not challenged in a Court of Law for non-compliance of the provisions of the E&D Rules.